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A Shared Commitment to Open Scholarship

A Shared Commitment to Open Scholarship

January 2023

Members of Society Publishers' Coalition Leverage Dimensions Data in New Report

Hot off the Presses!

Members of the Society Publishers’ Coalition (SocPC) are making steady and deliberate progress towards open access (OA) publishing, in terms of both individual articles and entire journals. Published research is being more widely disseminated, and higher impact levels are being reached through increased usage and citations.

Mandates from funders are becoming more demanding. Plan S was introduced in Europe in 2018 and, more recently, the Biden-Harris administration announced that United States research agencies should make the results of federally-funded research – both articles and data – freely available without embargo by the end of 2025 or sooner. As a result of these developments, society publishers and other players in the scholarly communications system have been embracing open access publishing as part of a move towards open research.