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NISO Professional Development Events, March and April 2023

NISO Professional Development Events, March and April 2023

March 2023

March 2023

NISO Roundtable Webinar

Implementing Inclusive Metadata
Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 11:00am - 12:30pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

Inclusive terminology in metadata and its associated descriptors are essential for the successful discovery of relevant materials. As cultural shifts in the use of language occur, collaboration by content providers, platform providers and librarians can make a major contribution to developing a fully-inclusive information environment.This roundtable discussion will bring together stakeholders from across the information community for a cross-sector discussion of how metadata, controlled vocabularies, and other key elements of automated search can be improved in support of diversity and inclusion — both of users and of the information they seek. What guidance is there? What tools exist? How can changes be introduced with minimal disruption to systems constantly in use?

Confirmed Speakers include, Jennifer Baxmeyer, Assistant University Librarian for Metadata Services, Princeton University Library; Lisa Gavelle, Metadata Librarian & Product Liaison, ITHAKA; Jackson Huang, Digital Collections and Contest Ingest Coordinator, University of Michigan Library; and Christian Isbister, Indigenous Initiatives Librarian, The University of British Columbia.

NISO Open Teleconference

SSOS: Standards-Specific Ontology Standard
Monday, March 13, 2023, 11:00am - 12:00pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

The Standards-Specific Ontology Standard (SSOS) provides a high-level generic ontology which describes the life cycle of consensus-based standardization projects and published standardization deliverables, i.e., standards. Developers, publishers, distributors, and users of standards, including national standards bodies, regional and international standards bodies, standards development organizations, and business, can use SSOS to better structure the life cycle information of their own standards or to better structure and automatically analyze and compare development stages of standardization activities and the life cycle of standards publications.

SSOS Working Group co-chairs Robert Wheeler (ASME) and Cord Wischhöfer (DIN) will join NISO Associate Executive Director Nettie Lagace to talk about how this work can improve the future of standards and information exchange in general. 

We anticipate that SSOS will be a newly-published ANSI/NISO standard by the time of our discussion!

NISO Virtual Conference

Wednesday, March 23, 2023, 12:00pm Noon - 4:00pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

It can be all too easy to forget that the final letter “A” in DEIA is for accessibility. However, it is critical — and in many cases, a legal requirement — to ensure that the information being created, curated, and disseminated is accessible to all. This four-hour event will cover the perspectives and expertise needed to ensure that products and services meet required accessibility specifications. Whatever the product or interface, coordinating efforts between users, developers, administrators, information professionals, and others key stakeholders and service providers is essential. What are the stumbling blocks and what are some of the emerging solutions – whether technological or standards-based? Attendees will come away with a greater understanding of what’s needed and what’s possible.

Confirmed Speakers include, Caroline Desrosiers, Founder & CEO, Scribely; Bill Kasdorf, Principal Kasdorf & Associates, LLC; Mark McCallum, Business Development Director for UK and Europe, codemantra; Stacy Scott, Accessibility Officer, Taylor & Francis; Tzviya Siegman, Information Standards Lead, Wiley; and Neil Soiffer, Chief Listening Office, Talking Cat Software.

April 2023

NISO Roundtable Webinar

The 21st Century Research Cycle
Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 11:00am - 12:30pm (Eastern Standard Time, US & Canada)

Increasingly, scholarly research is expected to be interdisciplinary in scope, data-driven, and collaborative — frequently across global boundaries. What impact does that have on what may be thought of as the traditional research cycle, in which the scholar develops a question, researches various facets of it, analyzes the findings, draws a conclusion, and shares the final result through publication in some form, when the cycle begins again. How are new policies, new technologies, and emerging expectations changing how research is done in the 21st century?