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Final Keynote: Critical Humanities Meets Big Data

Final Keynote: Critical Humanities Meets Big Data

July 2023

This presentation by Lucy Montgomery, Professor of Knowledge Innovation at Curtin University, served as a Global Keynote Program, and closed out the 2023 NISO Humanities Roundtable held in June 2023. In her talk, Dr. Montgomery talked about the Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative, a major strategic research initiative that is bringing together publicly available data about the openness of global research landscapes and lowering barriers to its use, as well as the Mellon Foundation funded Book Analytics Dashboard Project (2022-2025), which is creating a sustainable OA book focussed analytics service that supports diversity in the voices, perspectives, geographies, topics and languages made visible through OA books.

Click above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on our Cadmore Repository.