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ICYMI: CCLP Fall Public Update Webinar

ICYMI: CCLP Fall Public Update Webinar

October 2023

NISO hosted a free public webinar on September 27 at 3 PM Eastern to update the community on the Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project (CCLP), its grant from IMLS to support this work, as well as provide information on the next set of Working Groups that will be formed this fall.

Networks of libraries have a long tradition of working together to expand their resources and provide more comprehensive coverage across all subjects through sharing of resources. As one of these strategies, larger networks of institutions have recently explored wider adoption of cooperative collections management, which this project defines as a process by which networks of institutions work collaboratively to acquire, manage, circulate, and preserve collections across the network. The CCLP seeks to overcome serious barriers to wider implementations, including the lack of available vendor-neutral interoperable systems, adequate governance and decision-making frameworks, and assessment tools. As more organizations test out this model, there is a need for standards and best practices that support cooperative selection, acquisitions, processing and analytics. 

In August of 2022 NISO, Lehigh University Library and PALCI, along with more than 25 other partner organizations, received an IMLS National Leadership Grant to support the development of best practices for this lifecycle process and to prototype tools to support elements of the workflow.  The Cooperative Collections Lifecycle Project (CCLP) was approved by NISO members in the fall of 2022 and has been making steady progress toward our three-year goals of producing these best practices and prototypes.  Over the past year, NISO has launched a steering committee, three initial working groups, and has begun research on communities of practice related to cooperative collections management. 

During this free public information webinar, members of the project leadership discussed the project workstreams and progress on the initiative.  Attendees heard updates on the research project being conducted by Ithaka S+R, the progress the working groups are making, initial thoughts on user experience work we are doing, as well as more details about this project.

The CCLP Project and this free webinar was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Grant #: LG-252384-OLS-22.

Click above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on our Cadmore Repository.