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NIST Releases Version 2.0 of Research Data Framework (RDaF)

NIST Releases Version 2.0 of Research Data Framework (RDaF)

February 2024

Of Interest to the Information Community

More Details Here

From the NIST Announcement: 

On February 8, 2024, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released Version 2.0 of the NIST Research Data Framework (RDaF). The NIST RDaF is a multi-stakeholder, international effort designed to provide organizations with a structured approach to developing a customizable strategy for the management of research data. 

Also from the NIST Announcement:

Version 2 of the RDaF is a substantial expansion over Versions 1 and 1.5. Topics and subtopics have been extended and clarified based on community feedback, and overarching themes and sample profiles have been added. All topics and subtopics have explicit definitions, with references. It now stands as the most comprehensive overview of the research data ecosystem in existence.

This research data framework represents nearly four years of development, coordinated by the NIST Office of Data and Informatics. This framework is not a NIST imposition or standard, but rather a resource built with extensive community engagement, including: 3 plenary workshops, 15 topical breakout meetings, community inputs received in response to a Federal Registry Request for Comment, and a community engagement meeting hosted by the National Academy of Sciences. 

The full text of the NIST Announcement is available here.