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Report: Developing a US National PID Strategy

Report: Developing a US National PID Strategy

March 2024

Of Interest to the Information Community

Additional Details

From the March 15 announcement of the report:

Utilizing the framework created by the Research Data Alliance, this report was created in collaboration with members of the Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS Open) and the Community Effort on Research Output Tracking workstreams organized by the Open Research Funders Group (ORFG)

This report outlines the benefits of PIDs, their associated metadata, and the systems that connect them in advancing open scholarship goals in the United States. It provides information on the research and policy landscape associated with PIDs, discusses the value of PID infrastructure, and offers recommendations for effective utilization of PIDs in connecting and tracking research outputs. Ideally, this guidance will be widely adopted by organizations throughout the research ecosystem in the US and potentially adapted globally in other national contexts around the world, as part of a growing movement to deploy national persistent identifier strategies.

In a post appearing on the Scholarly Kitchen blog, Todd Carpenter noted NISO engagement in the work:

After a period of public review and discussion, the core recommendation components of the report will be moved to a consensus process within National Information Standards Organization (NISO) to develop the report into a national standard, which can further its adoption and implementation. A proposal to begin this process at NISO is expected to be submitted later this spring and, if approved, with a subsequent working group to formalize the document beginning its work later this year.

For those who would like to engage in a conversation about the report, a discussion thread has been organized on the PIDForum website. There is also a separate discussion thread as part of the RDA PID National Strategies Working Group where feedback is also welcome. The team encourages discussion of the report and welcomes community input and feedback on its guidance as the project moves forward to its next stages.