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ARL/CNI 2035 Scenarios: AI-Influenced Futures

ARL/CNI 2035 Scenarios: AI-Influenced Futures

May 2024

AI-Influenced Futures in the Research Environment

May 23, 2024

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) have chosen to apply scenario planning to imagine a future influenced by artificial intelligence (AI) and to explore the range of uncertainty associated with AI in the research and knowledge ecosystem. The scenarios were developed through a highly consultative process leveraging the expertise of the ARL/CNI Joint Task Force on Scenario Planning for AI/ML Futures and the ARL and CNI communities and facilitated by Stratus, LLC. The strategic focus and critical uncertainties highlighted in the scenarios were identified through extensive stakeholder engagement with the ARL and CNI membership during the winter of 2023 and spring of 2024 and involved over 300 people. Input was provided through focus groups, workshops, and one-on-one interviews.

One key quote from the Introduction of the publication: 

These scenarios will be leveraged to strategically plan around AI in research, knowledge, and learning. They are designed to present an AI risk mitigation problem set for ARL and CNI member use. This allows each member to investigate the strategic implications of each of the scenarios for that member’s unique, local context.

At the recent ARL Member Meeting in Boston, attendees engaged the AI scenarios, using them to prioritize opportunities. (A subsequent and highly informative write-up of that exercise was provided by ARL and the post is well worth the time to review.) 

ARL and its member libraries work with partners across the research and learning sector to preserve cultural heritage, and to support new modes of research and publishing, community efficacy, and student success. 

The 40-page document is available here.