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Applications of altmetrics allow for nuanced innovation in publishing: O'Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing

Applications of altmetrics allow for nuanced innovation in publishing

September 2012

Interview of NISO executive director Todd Carpenter on data analysis and applications of alternative metrics in publishing by Jenn Webb.The digital transformation in publishing is bringing forth more than new reading platforms, gadgets and distribution options - it also brings a wealth of data publishers have never before had access to, data that can be applied to new marketing and production strategies, and used to help create more efficient business models.
As data becomes more and more central to publishing ecosystems, traditional methods of metric collection and analysis are proving insufficient. This need for new measurement techniques has given rise to a new metrics approach called "alternative metrics." I reached out to Todd Carpenter, Executive Director of NISO, to find out what's behind the changing data needs and more about how altmetric applications can benefit publishers. Carpenter will explore this topic further at TOC Frankfurt on October 9, 2012.