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Everyone's a Player: Creation of Standards in a Fast-Paced Shared World: The Serials Librarian, 64 (1-4):158-166

Everyone's a Player: Creation of Standards in a Fast-Paced Shared World

April 2013

By Nettie Lagace, Marshall Breeding, Regina Romano Reynolds & Ning Han"Nothing can function well without standards and best practices, including the information world. The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) works with the information community to develop standards and best practices to improve interoperability and workflow efficiency in a wide range of areas from metadata transfer to information retrieval. To ensure a community consensus, NISO brings every interested party into the process of developing standards and best practices through working groups. Current work and updates from two NISO-sponsored working groups, Open Discovery Initiative and Presentation and Identification of E-Journals, were covered in this presentation."