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SSP Seminar on E-journal standards

SSP Seminar on E-journal standards

October 2008

The Society for Scholarly Publishing  is beginning to promote its fall seminar series. One meeting in particular, E-Journal Publishing: A Critical Review of Emerging Standards and Practice,  should be of interest to the information standards community.  The Journal Article Versions report will be discussed in this meeting. FROM THE DESCRIPTION:

 Digital publishing offers opportunities to add value to content. For the journal article, this can involve making available prepublication material, grey literature – raw and ancillary materials associated with an article, publishing on an article-by-article basis prior to the completion of the journal issue, et al., which in turn, raise questions about the version of record. Some of these issues have been addressed through working groups on whose standards recommendations the seminar will draw. These groups are the NISO/ALPSP “Best practices for journal article versions” which has issued recent recommendations and the NFAIS “Working group on article-by-article publishing, convened in December 2007.Along with the opportunities for added value afforded by digital publishing comes more decisions to be made by content providers: What is the best content format and level of functionality? Should the digital article be published when ready, prior to the full issue/print version? Is the print version required? How should articles be published on an article-by-article basis? Should selected articles be made freely available? How are these decisions handled in institutional repositories? What is the appropriate policy for our journal(s) for deposit in institutional repositories? Implementation will vary by market, by publisher and by available resources.


The seminar speakers include publishers and librarians recounting their experiences and resulting policies and participants in the NISO/ALPSP and NFAIS working groups.


Bonnie Lawlor, NFAIS  

Philippa Scoones, Wiley-Blackwell

Cathy Eisenhower, Gelman Library, George Washington University 

T. Scott Plutchak, Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences, University of Alabama Birmingham