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NISO to Offer Webinars on SUSHI (Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative)

Host: National Information Standards Organization (

-EBSCO Information Services
-Ex Libris
-Serials Solutions
-Swets Information Services
-Thomson Scientific

Times: Themes, Audiences:

May 17, 2006 -- 11-12:00 EDT

-Introduction to Librarians and Content Providers

Maximum registrations accepted: 100

May 24, 2006 -- 11-12:00 EDT

-The Technology Unveiled

Maximum registrations accepted: 100

Date to be determined -- 11-12:00 EDT

-Interactive sessions for developers implementing clients in JAVA and/or .NET, and a server in JAVA and/or .NET

Cost: Free

Please note: Maximum registrations accepted for the first two events is 100.
Background on SUSHI:

The Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) is a NISO working group that is developing an automated request and response protocol for moving Project COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources) Code of Practice usage statistics from providers to library electronic repositories. SUSHI will help libraries make better decisions by reducing the administrative overhead of using Project COUNTER statistics. Project COUNTER was launched in 2002 to help librarians and publishers in the recording and exchange of usage statistics for electronic resources, initially journals and databases. By following COUNTER's Code of Practice, vendors can provide library customers with Excel or CSV (comma delimited) files of usage data using COUNTER's standardized formats and data elements. The result is a consistent, credible, and compatible set of usage data from multiple content providers.
