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NISO Publishes Annual Year in Review Issue of Information Standards Quarterly

Baltimore, MD - March 27, 2013 - The Spring 2014 issue of the National Information Standard Organization's Information Standards Quarterly magazine—providing a summary of the 2013 standards development work conducted by NISO and by the international ISO Information and Documentation committee (TC46)—has been published in open access on the NISO website. NISO provides this Year in Review issue on an annual basis to keep readers apprised of all the accomplishments of our community in the past year.
"NISO's standards and recommended practices development pipeline has more than 20 active projects," states Nettie Lagace, NISO's Associate Director for Programs. "In 2013, we published two new standards, four recommended practices, and a new technical report. We also issued drafts for public comment of one standard and two recommended practices. Four new projects were launched, two of them funded with grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. These are all described in more detail in this issue of ISQ."

"NISO's role as the U.S. Administrator for the ISO TC46 Committee on Information and Documentation and the Secretariat for the subcommittee on Identification and Description ensures that our community has an active role in international standards development as well," explains Cynthia Hodgson, ISQ Managing Editor and a consultant for NISO who helps manage the ISO work. "The work of TC 46 and its five subcommittees during the past year—including the newly revised SC on Document Storage and Conditions for Preservation—is summarized in this issue of ISQ. Additionally, in May 2014, NISO will be hosting, on behalf of ANSI, the annual meeting week of TC46—the first meeting in the U.S. in ten years. A two-page spread in the issue highlights this meeting and its sponsors."

"We also are celebrating this summer the 75th anniversary of NISO's founding," states Todd Carpenter, NISO's Executive Director. "The leaders in the library community who came together back in 1939 were visionaries who saw the need for our community to collaboratively solve issues through standards development. In 2009 for our 70th anniversary, we published a timeline of NISO's milestones since its 1939 founding; for this issue of ISQ we have updated the timeline with milestones over the past five years. NISO and its community of volunteers have much to be proud of, as this issue of ISQ clearly illustrates."

The Spring issue also contains the annual reference listing of all of NISO's published standards, recommended practices, and technical reports. Information Standards Quarterly is available electronically in open access from the NISO website at: ISQ is also available in print format by subscription or in print on demand.

About the National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
NISO fosters the development and maintenance of standards that facilitate the creation, persistent management, and effective interchange of information so that it can be trusted for use in research and learning. To fulfill this mission, NISO engages libraries, publishers, information aggregators, and other organizations that support learning, research, and scholarship through the creation, organization, management, and curation of knowledge. NISO works with intersecting communities of interest and across the entire lifecycle of an information standard. NISO is a not-for-profit association accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). More information about NISO is available on its website: of by contacting NISO on (301) 654-2512 or via email on
