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Exploring Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence

Exploring Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence

September 2023

NISO Member News

Whether or not you agree with the Gartner assessment that generative AI has already achieved its peak in the hype cycle, Silverchair’s latest white paper, AI in Scholarly Publishing, shares that organization’s thinking and direction as they seek to “come to grips with the profound impact of generative AI and Large Language Models.” The white paper may be downloaded (with registration) here

As a position, Silverchair states the following:

We believe these technologies have potential applications across scholarly publishing workflows and in educational and professional products, from content standarization to augmenting user experience. We’re taking this seriously, in terms of effort and ethics, and are learning alongside our clients about the challenges and opportunities these technologies bring. 

The authors of the white paper remind their audience of risks associated with intellectual property, the potential of misuse in manipulating information flows, bias, data privacy and more. Additionally, there is the recognition that the cost of implementation remains significant. 

While the white paper was released (in part) to coincide with the Silverchair Platform Strategies event in late September and to promote engagement, it is a quick read and may serve as a handy overview for readers. The table of contents provides an overview of the topics touched on in the brief document:

  • Foreword
  • Looking Back at AI’s Development
  • The Race to Chat
  • Opportunities for Scholarly and Professional Publishers
  • What are the Potential Risks and Barriers
  • Charting a Path Forward Together

Those with an interest may register to download it here