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NISO @ ALA Midwinter 2009

Conferences Attending

Stop by and visit us at Booth 2443.

Event Sessions


Friday, January 23
4:00-5:30 p.m.
Denver Convention Center, Room 301

NISO Update


Sunday, January 25
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Denver Convention Center, Room 702

Welcome - Todd Carpenter

NISO Thought Leader Meetings Reports and Next Steps
  • E-Learning Systems and Content - October Ivins
  • Digital Libraries and Digital Collections - Judy Luther 
  • Institutional Repositories, Research Data - Todd Carpenter
Update of Topic Committees and Working Groups - Karen A. Wetzel, Standards Program Manager, NISO

Update on ISO TC 46 activities - Todd Carpenter

Summary of Goals for 2009 - Todd Carpenter
Open Discussion of standards projects underway or needed

ARL Library Assessment Forum: Effective, Sustainable and Practical Assessment

Friday, January 23, 2009
1:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m.           
The Curtis Hotel

Independent Reference Publishers Group (IRPG)


Friday, January 23
3:00-4:30 p.m.
Hyatt Regency Denver at Convention Center, Centennial F

  • Topic: How can reference publishers address many librarians wishes for a reference platform of their choice with access to any title of their choice?

Todd Carpenter, NISO Managing Director, will join this panel discussion to share his perspective on what NISO standards could do to facilitate the interoperability of reference platforms.

LITA ERM Interest Group


David Fritsch

Assistant Director, Outreach and Participation Services, ITHAKA | Portico
ITHAKA | Portico

Chan Li

California Digital Library (CDL)

Oliver Pesch

Chief Product Strategist
EBSCO Information Services

Friday, January 23
7:30-9:00 p.m.
Ritz-Carlton Denver, Salon 3


Business (10 Minutes)

Portico - David Fritsch (7 Minutes)

ANSI/NISO Z39.93-2008 - Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) update – Chan Li (Data Analyst, California Digital Library; co-chair of the ERM IG; and member of the SUSHI Advisory Committee) (10 minutes)

COUNTER update - Oliver Pesch (7 minutes)

CORE (Cost of Resource Exchange) Working Group update - Ted Koppel (7 minutes)

NISO/UKSG KBART (Knowledge Base and Related Tools) Working Group update – Peter McCracken (7 Minutes)

ONIX update – Brian Green (7 Minutes)

NISO Update – Todd Carpenter (7 minutes)

LCTS Continuing Resources Section College and Research Libraries Interest Group (CRS C&RL IG)


Saturday, January 24
10:30 a.m. - 12 noon
Sheraton Denver, Gold

  • Includes a presentation on KBART by working group co-chair Peter McCracken (Co-founder & Director of Research, Serials Solutions).

ALCTS Electronic Resources Interest Group (ERIG)


Regina Koury

Electronic Resources/Reference Librarian
Idaho State University

Ryan Weir

Serials and Electronic Resources Librarian
Murray State University

Geoff Timms

Electronic Resources Librarian
Murray State University

Denise Pan

Director of Technical Services
Auraria Library, Denver

Saturday, January 24
10:30 a.m. - 12 noon
Ritz-Carlton Denver, Salon 3

Regina Koury (Electronic Resources/Reference Librarian at Idaho State University) - Troubleshooting E-Resources with a Crystal Ball: What Works and What Doesn't

Ryan Weir (Serials and Electronic Resources Librarian at Murray State University) - Crisis Negotiator/Skilled Diplomat: Ebrarian

Geoff Timms (Electronic Resources Librarian, Mercer University) - Resolving E-Access Problems – Critical Information for Timely Turnaround

Denise Pan (Director of Technical Services, Auraria Library, Denver) and Gayle Bradbeer (Distance Support Librarian, Auraria Library, Denver) -  AurProblem Blog: Using Web 2.0 to Troubleshoot E-Resources

LITA Standards Interest Group


Herbert Van de Sompel

Chief Innovation Officer
DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services), The Hague, The Netherlands

Saturday, January 24
4:00-5:30 p.m.
Grand Hyatt Denver, Maroon Peak

  • Herbert Van de Sompel at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Carl Lagoze at Cornell University will talk about Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE). 
  • Todd Carpenter, NISO Managing Director, will give a NISO update.

ALCTS CRS Committee for Holdings Information

Saturday, January 24
4:00-5:30 pm
Denver Convention Center, Room 301

  • Panel forum on holdings for electronic serials. One of the four presentations will be focusing on ONIX for Serials SOH and its mapping to the MARC 21 format.

ASCLA ICAN Physical Delivery Discussion Group


Sunday, January 25
8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Denver Marriott City Center, Denver Ballroom III

Includes a discussion of a possible NISO physical delivery recommended practice (Karen Wetzel, NISO Standards Program Manager, to attend for any questions).

ALCTS Continuing Resources Standards Committee


Sunday, January 25
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Denver Convention Center, Room 108


  • KBART presentation by working group co-chair Peter McCracken (Co-founder & Director of Research, Serials Solutions)
  • CORE presentation by working group co-chairs Jeff Aipperspach (Senior Product Manager, Serials Solutions) and Ted Koppel (AGent Verso (ILS) Product Manager, Auto-Graphics, Inc.)
    This update was presented by Karen A. Wetzel, NISO Standards Program Manager, on behalf of the CORE co-chairs.

Next-Generation Bibliographic Control: What is the Brave New World?


Kathryn Harnish

Product Director, Unified Resource Management Syst.
Ex Libris, Inc.

Sunday, January 25

1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Lead by: Oren Beit-Arie and Kathryn Harnish, Ex Libris 
Denver Convention Center, Room 401/402

As libraries plan for a next-generation library services environment, one of the primary issues to consider is the role of metadata. Discussion will include a panel of metadata experts discussing the changing needs for metadata management. 

Technology Showcase

Monday, January 26
10:00 am - 1:15 pm
Denver Convention Center

Latest trends in Library Technology. Presentations There will be two Technology Showcase Theaters running concurrently from 10:00 a.m. to 1:10 p.m. Monday, January 26th, 2009.  The theaters are located on the show floor, Pueblo Theatre at the end of the 800 aisle and Mesa Theatre at the end of the 2200 aisle. 

Additional Information

To view the full agenda for the Annual ALA Conference, click here.