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Information Creation & Curation

Committee Description

The NISO Information Creation & Curation Topic Committee was renewed by the NISO Board in June 2017 (and was originally formed as the Content and Collection Management Committee in early 2007 in response to a strategic restructuring). As part of NISO's organizational structure, topic committees that bring together leaders in specific subjects have been created to provide direction to the organization for standards development in those umbrella topic areas. The Creation & Curation Topic Committee focuses on issues regarding developing, describing, providing access to, and maintaining content items and collections. Specific topics include: Dublin Core, library binding, SAN, RFID, etc.

The topic committee is charged with the following tasks:


Sharon Farnel
Charles O'Connor


Laura Cox
Patricia Feeney
Stephen Flockton
Cyndi Hernandez
Anna Neatrour
Ken Rawson
Lisa Schiff
Jabin White

Board liaison: Mary Sauer-Games

NISO staff: Todd Carpenter, Nettie Lagace, Keondra Bailey, Kimberly Graham


Standards Portfolio

The following NISO standards and standards-related works fall under the Information Creation & Curation Topic Committee. Please contact the committee if you have any suggestions for areas of focus or new work.

Active Groups 

Existing standards and Recommended Practices:

Inactive Groups

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