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NISO/BISG 9th Annual Forum: The Changing Standards Landscape

Conferences Attending

Access or Ownership: Evolving Business Models and Your Institution

ALA San Francisco Annual Conference & Exhibition

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Event Description

Standards are critically important elements that can make any business process more efficient. The traditional print subscription services model, the process of handling standing book orders by libraries, and even the process of buying, selling, and consuming ebooks through a variety of platforms all require standardized business processes to efficiently get content from publishers through vendors to libraries and ultimately to patrons. 

As our community adapts to changing paradigms regarding service and ownership models specific to digital publishing, both the library and publishing communities need to consider the implications of these changes. Print content distribution was centered on a sales model, where the transfer of ownership of a physical object was a core element of the transaction; this is often not the case with digital assets.  Generally, content is licensed and access is limited; by rights, by term, or by community served. The implications of this shift are quite broad both for content providers as well as libraries.  What are the business practices, roles and responsibilities, on both sides of the new digital exchange that all parties need to be aware of and incorporate to ensure efficient information exchange? 

NISO and BISG will explore these issues during the 9th Annual NISO/BISG Changing Standards Landscape.  During this free half-day symposium, speakers will explore the evolving business model processes that some community members are putting into place, discuss what is working and what isn't, and identify problems that remain to be solved. 

Some of the topics will include: 

  • Top level reporting from the recent BISG subscription research project
  • Changing subscription models and the related standards work
  • Patron Driven Acquisition
  • Collective rights purchasing models and their associated revenue issues
  • The Open Access movement and its influence on subscriptions

Event Sessions

Networking and Light Refreshments

12:00 - 12:30 p.m. 

Welcome and Introductions


Julie Morris

Project Manager, Standards & Best Practices
Book Industry Study Group (BISG)

12:30 - 1:00 p.m.

Digital Books and the New Subscription Economy: Results of BISG Research


1:00 - 1:20 p.m. 

In 2014, the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) commissioned the first major research report on subscription models of selling ebook content. Digital Books and the New Subscription Economy tracked publishers' engagement with new ebook subscription services, the various business models on the market, and how this trend might be expected to play out across the trade, professional, and scholarly publishing sectors. This presentation will share results of that research, including how readers' preferences for access or ownership of various types of content will drive the future of ebook subscription.

Access vs. Ownership eBooks: You can have both!


1:20 - 1:50 p.m. 

American University Library does it all when it comes to ebooks. From firm orders to PDA/DDA to packages, we own and lease ebooks in a variety of ways. Stacey Marien, Acquisitions Librarian from American University, will speak about all the different ebook programs she manages for the university library.

Panel presented by BISG: Publishers, Subscription Agents, Libraries: Bridging the Gap


Lisa Nachtigall

Director of Sales Development Digital Books
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

1:50 - 2:30 p.m.

The rise of ebook subscription services has enabled new models for bringing publisher-produced book content to library patrons: from publishers selling large amounts of their content direct, to independent subscription agents, to new crowdfunded and open access models. This panel brings together representatives from the publisher and subscription agent side of the business to discuss the opportunities they've seized, the challenges they face, and how standards impact their businesses.

Moderated by: Nadine Vassallo, Project Manager, Research & Information, BISG
Confirmed Speakers:
Judy Luther, Informed Strategies
Lisa Nachtigall, Director of Sales Development Digital Books, Wiley

Peyton Stafford, VP Library Services, Total BooX


2:30 - 2:45 p.m.

Challenges and opportunities in providing course content within changing instructor and student behaviors


Franny Lee

FounderCo-Founder & VP Business Development

2:45 - 3:15 p.m.

Teaching and learning is a core mission of higher education institutions, with the pulls and pushes of online learning, creative digital tools and escalating costs of education carving out a new unfamiliar landscape for most. Instructors are exploring new formats, techniques and teaching spaces to help their students learn more effectively, and everyone eagerly watches these developments. But how do you meet emerging non-traditional expectations while still supporting traditional campus needs? This session explores real world examples to discover both successes and failures learning opportunities in navigating and providing value in this new world of course content.

Panel presented by NISO: Managing the challenges of open access


3:15 - 3:45 p.m.

For decades, the publishing and library community has built a support structure to manage subscription payments, from ordering, payment processing, claims and delivery of publications. As the pace of adoption of open access has increased, and the number and scope of OA mandates has increased, the publishing industry is faced with a significant challenge of adapting its business to support this new model of distribution. Important questions remain about how the community should transform its business processes to support an author-payment system as opposed to subscription payments. This panel will explore the ways in which the community needs to adapt to this new business model and what are some of the standards questions related to that process.

Moderated by: Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
Helen Atkins, Acting Publisher, PLoS
Peter Binfield, Founder and Publisher, PeerJ
Judith Russell, Dean of University Libraries, University of FloridaUniversity of Florida
Alicia Wise, PhD, Director of Access & Policy, Elsevier

Ask anything/Q&A

3:45 - 3:55 p.m.

Meeting Adjourns - Thank you for attending!

4:00 p.m.

Additional Information

The Changing Standards Landscape is jointly organized by the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) and the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). Both organizations support, promote and maintain standards and best practices in the information community. NISO focuses on publishers, libraries, and the systems suppliers in information distribution. BISG focuses on increasing efficiencies throughout the publishing industry supply chain of publishers, technology suppliers, manufacturers, and wholesale and retail companies