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December 10 Open Teleconference: FASTEN

Open Teleconference

Flexible API STandard for E-content NISO

The next NISO Open Teleconference will be held Monday, December 10th at 3:00 PM Eastern time. The topic for the December call will be the NISO FASTEN Working Group (long name: "Flexible API STandard for E-content NISO"). 

All NISO Open Teleconferences are open to everyone!

Working Group co-chairs Christopher Carvey (Queens Library) and Josh Weisman (Ex Libris) will join NISO Associate Director for Programs Nettie Lagace to discuss the work from different stakeholder perspectives and update callers on the latest activities of the working group. 

This project, begun in early 2017, is creating a NISO Recommended Practice to modernize library-vendor technical interoperability regarding consumption of electronic content.  The project will create recommendations for development of APIs to transmit information related to serving licensed electronic content and create a base set of APIs to be used by vendors for integrating with various library systems to deliver a common user experience.

Event Sessions


The recording for the event is available: 

Audio Recording, December 10, 2018 Open Teleconference, NISO FASTEN