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Open Teleconference

Our topic for this month's Open Teleconference will be will be the Transfer Code of Practice, which is a NISO Recommended Practice, most recently updated earlier this year. Transfer was initially created by the UKSG in 2007 and moved to NISO in 2014. More information is available at the NISO Standing Committee web pages.

Our conversation will be with Transfer Standing Committee co-chair James Phillpotts of Oxford University Press and Standing Committee member Linda Wobbe of SCELC.

The Transfer Code of Practice is a voluntary code of conduct and best practices for journal publishers, which contains guidelines for key steps to take when journal owners transfer their journal content to and from one another. It seeks to address the technical and communication issues that arise during these transactions, with a goal of eradicating any disruption of access to journal content by end users.  Support tools developed by the Transfer Standing Committee and other supporters include several services to notify librarians and other interested parties of journal moves.

Transfer encompasses three areas of work:

  1. The Transfer Code of Practice (currently version 4.0)
  2. Publishers that currently endorse the Code
  3. The Transfer Alerting Service, designed to facilitate communication of journal transfers, now hosted by the ISSN International Centre. 

Event Sessions


Linda Wobbe

Assistant Director for eJournal Relations, Liaison to Resource Sharing and Shared Print Committees
SCELC (Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium)

The recording for the event is available:

Audio Recording, June 10, 2019 Open Teleconference, Transfer Code of Practice