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Open Teleconference September 2019 - ISO 3166

Open Teleconference

Our topic for September will be ISO 3166, Country Codes.  As described by ISO, "the purpose of ISO 3166 is to define internationally recognized codes of letters and/or numbers that we can use when we refer to countries and subdivisions. Using codes saves time and avoids errors as instead of using a country's name (which will change depending on the language being used) we can use a combination of letters and/or numbers that are understood all over the world."  These codes are used in many various applications, including country top-level domains

Our conversation will be with Kate Dolan, the Convenor of ISO TC 46 WG 2, the ISO working group responsible for the standard.  We will discuss what's included in ISO 3166, how it's maintained and revised at an international level, and how the US representatives interact with other countries in this work. 

There will be time for questions and discussion, too. We hope you will be able to join us!

Event Sessions


Kate Dolan

US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

The recording for the event is available:

Audio Recording, September 9, 2019 Open Teleconference, ISO 3166