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NISO on the Road

NISO looks forward to seeing you at these 2019 ALA Midwinter sessions and in the Exhibits Hall at Table #841.


Friday, January 24, 5:30pm – 7:00pm - Opening Reception on the Exhibit Floor

Saturday, January 25 - 9:00am - 5:00pm

Sunday, January 26 - 9:00am - 5:00pm

Monday, January 27 - 9:00am - 2:00pm - Exhibits Closing Events

Event Sessions

Saturday, January 25, 2020, 1:00 - 2:30pm


Laura Morse

Director, Library Systems & Support
Harvard University

Location: Convention Center, Room 115 A

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NISO Standards Update

Moderator: Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO; Nettie Lagace, Associate Executive Director, NISO 

The NISO Update provides the latest news about NISO's current efforts, including standards, recommended practices and community meetings covering many areas of interest to the library community. Working group members will provide updates on projects newly underway or recently completed. The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to participate.

Updates include projects:

Sunday, January 26, 2020, 9:30 - 10:30am


Location: Convention Cntr, Room 126 B

Add this session to your ALA Scheduler! Putting “Recommended Practices…from the Resource Access in 21st Century (RA21) Project” into practice

In July 2020, will be launching a new, privacy-preserving service to simplify Single Sign-On access to a wide range of scholarly collaboration tools, information resources, and shared research infrastructure. The next stage of the RA21 project is currently in Beta testing, and this session will give a community update on the state of the project. is a community-driven effort backed by stakeholders from across the industry including NISO, ORCiD, the International Association of STM Publishers, and organizations involved in managing global Research & Education networks (Internet2, GÉANT). Over the next 7 months leading up to the launch, SeamlessAccess is beta testing this new service with a variety of publishers and institutions to understand integration scenarios, test specific use cases (such as walk-in access), and finalize the implementation standards. In addition, SeamlessAccess is setting up several cross-industry working groups to develop best practices and policies around the use of Single Sign-On, including template contractual terms covering data protection and configuration profiles to simply library implementation. This session will share the lessons learned from the beta testing, the best practices and policies developed by these working groups, and describe libraries and librarians need to know in order to deliver a simpler, privacy-preserving access experience for users.

Additional Information

For more information, visit the official ALA Midwinter website here.