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January 13, 2020 Open Teleconference - MECA

Open Teleconference

The next NISO Open Teleconference will be held Monday, January 13 at 3:00 PM Eastern time. The topic for this call will be NISO's Manuscript Exchange Common Approach (MECA) Working Group, which is very close to releasing its draft Recommended Practice for a public comment period.  

All NISO Open Teleconferences are open to everyone!

Working group co-chairs Tony Alves of Aries Systems and Stephen Laverick of Green Fifteen Publishing Consultancy will join NISO staff to discuss the progress and output of this initiative, and how MECA might be used by its adopters.

MECA recommendations provide a common means to easily transfer manuscripts between manuscript systems, such as those in use at publishers and preprint servers. Currently, in workflow processes such as manuscript rejection or alternate recommendation for article submission, there is no easy way for a manuscript to move programmatically from one publisher system to another's. The result is frustration for authors and reviewers who complain of wasted time and delays in enabling access to new research. An open protocol for industry adoption will ease this process and support publishing operations and stakeholder communication. 

Event Sessions


The event recording is now available: 

Audio Recording, January 13 2020 Open Teleconference, MECA