NISO @ ALA Annual 2024
What You'll Want to Know!

American Library Association Annual Meeting 2024
Dates: June 27 - July 2, 2024
Location: San Diego Convention Center
111 W Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101
NISO Conference Table #555
NISO looks forward to seeing you in person at our scheduled ALA sessions. Please see the specific event session below for further details.
Click here to view the official ALA website.
Event Sessions
Friday, June 28, 12:00pm Noon - 4:00pm, Room 05 A: The Changing Standards Landscape: 17th Annual NISO/BISG Forum AI in Book Publishing
This forum will explore the significant opportunities and existential threats that artificial intelligence poses for the book publishing industry. It will delve into the exciting potential for enhancing efficiencies, improving accessibility, and automating workflows. However, ethical flags will be raised regarding representation biases, copyright, and privacy. This event offers insight into AI-informed publishing’s future while advocating for ethical and regulatory concerns.
Confirmed speakers (others, TBA), include Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO; Rachel Comerford, Senior Director of Accessibility Outreach and Communication, Macmillan Learning; Barbara Kline Pope, Director, JHU Press; Thad McIlroy, President, The Future of Publishing; Brian O’Leary, Executive Director, Book Industry Study Group (BISG);Judy Ruttenburg, Senior Director of Scholarship and Policy, Association for Research Libraries (ARL); Robin Sloan, Author of Mr. Penumbra’s 24-hour Bookstore & upcoming Moonbound; and Tim Spalding, Founder, LibraryThing.
Click here to go the event page.
Saturday, June 29, 3:00pm – 4:00pm, Room 06 E: The NISO Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project (CCLP)
Networks of libraries have a long tradition of working together to expand their resources and provide more comprehensive coverage across all subjects through sharing of resources. As one of these strategies, larger networks of institutions have recently explored wider adoption of cooperative collections management, a process by which networks of institutions work collaboratively to acquire, manage, circulate, and preserve collections across the network. The NISO Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project (CCLP) seeks to overcome serious barriers to wider implementations, including the lack of available vendor-neutral interoperable systems, adequate governance and decision-making frameworks, and assessment tools. The infrastructure will create a suite of best practices, improved standards, and middleware for the development and management of collective collections and will support varied implementation models, data interoperability, and sharing of expertise across a range of institutions and consortia.
This session will describe the work at a high level and also provide an update on recent actions that have been taken under the auspices of funding from IMLS, including NISO working groups creating a Recommended Practice, ITHAKA S+R research, and user interface prototyping.
Sunday, June 30, 10:30am - 11:30am, Room 01 A: NISO’s CREC (Communication of Retractions, Removals, and Expressions of Concern) Working Group
Retracted research is published work that is withdrawn or removed from the scientific and scholarly record. Retracted research integrated into the publication network via citations enables the inadvertent propagation of potentially unsupported or fabricated data, fundamental errors, and unreproducible results. This year NISO published a Recommended Practice, Communication of Retractions, Removals, and Expressions of Concern (CREC) to improve communication in the supply chain around retractions and contribute to the maintenance of trust in the research and publication process.
The Recommended Practice describes the involved parties, along with their responsibilities, actions, notifications, and the metadata necessary to communicate retracted research across stakeholders' systems. It addresses the dissemination of retraction information (metadata & display) to support a consistent, timely transmission of that information to the reader (machine or human), directly or through citing publications, addressing requirements both of the retracted publication and of the retraction notice or expression of concern.
Sunday, June 30, 1:00pm - 2:00pm, Room 01 A: NISO Standards Update
NISO’s buzzing with activity! Join us for our NISO Update, which will provide the latest news about NISO in general and our current projects, including standards, recommended practices, and community meetings covering many areas of interest to the library community. Working group members will provide updates on projects newly underway or recently completed.
Monday, July 1, 10:30am - 11:30am, Room 09: Seamless Access Update: What’s happening in the world of authentication to resources?
Join us for an update on the SeamlessAccess Project! This session will provide an update on the current state of the SeamlessAccess Project and discuss the roadmap for future work. We will also examine the changes and challenges happening in the world of authentication as browser vendors begin to make substantive changes to things like third-party cookie support, removal of link decorations, and obfuscation of IP addresses.
Additional Information
This is an in-person event only. Streaming will not be available to those not attending on site.
Event Dates
Free to all registered attendees of the American Library Association 2024 Meeting
San Diego Convention Center
111 W Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101