NISO Plus Baltimore 2024
Save the dates!
February 13-14, 2024

Now in its fifth year—and in person for the first time since 2020—this annual event will bring attendees from across the information industry to discuss challenges and opportunities around AI, open access, metadata, and more.
The NISO Plus Conference will feature expert panel discussions and keynote speakers (past keynotes include Cory Doctorow and Safiya Noble). The program will also be highly interactive, providing participants with many opportunities to discuss and engage with other attendees and vendors. Breaks and receptions will give participants time for developing new connections. All components of the Plus Conference are designed to encourage the exchange of ideas by promoting communication and collaboration across the information community.
Thank you to our sponsors, American Chemical Society (ACS), Atla, Atypon, ASME, ASTM International, Bowker, Cadmore Media, Center for Open Science, CHORUS, Crossref, EBSCO, Edaptive Technologies, the journal Information Services and Use, Keenious, Modern Language Association, OpenAthens, Project MUSE, Silverchair, SPIE Digital Library, Stony Brook University Libraries, and UC Berkeley!
Kilobyte and Megabyte Sponsors

Byte and Bit Sponsors

Event Dates
To sign up: Click here
Full details on pricing are available via the NISO Plus website. Learn more about special rates for NISO members, group discounts, students, early career/unemployed information professionals, and those from lower GDP countries.
Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor
300 Light Street
Baltimore, MD, 21202