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DAISY Consortium Named a 2008 Tech Award Laureate by The Tech Museum of Innovation: PRWeb

DAISY Consortium Named a 2008 Tech Award Laureate by The Tech Museum of Innovation

September 2008

The DAISY Consortium was named a 2008 Tech Awards Laureate, one of 25 global innovators recognized each year for applying technology to benefit humanity and spark global change. The Tech Awards, a signature program of The Tech Museum of Innovation, and presented by Applied Materials, Inc., selected the DAISY Consortium from among hundreds of nominations representing 68 countries.
The DAISY Standard (officially ANSI/NISO z39.86 Specifications for the Digital Talking Book) has revolutionized the reading experience for people with print disabilities around the globe. DAISY, the Digital Accessible Information SYstem, is the world's most widely used assistive technology for reading.