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International Organization for Standardization Formally Publishes International Standard Text Code: Press Release

International Organization for Standardization Formally Publishes International Standard Text Code

March 2009

The International ISTC Agency, the official Registration Authority for the International Standard Text Code (ISTC), today announced that the International Organization for Standardization has formally published ISO Standard 21047. The ISTC system provides a means of uniquely and persistently identifying textual works in information systems, and facilitates the exchange of information about such works between publishers, authors and authors associations, collective management organizations, libraries, search engines and others on an international level. The ISTC makes it possible to group products containing the same content, or even in some cases, different content with the same origins, together, optimizing their discoverability in search engines, retail and library cataloging systems.Note: The ISTC standard was developed by the committee ISO TC46/SC9,for which NISO is the Secretariat.