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NIST Digital Preservation Interoperability Framework

NIST Digital Preservation Interoperability Framework

March 2010

The National Institute of Standards and Technology held a workshop on developing a roadmap for a Digital Preservation Interoperability Framework on March 29-31 on the NIST campus in Gaithersburg, MD. The purpose was to identify U.S. requirements, technologies, and best practices for standardization related to long-term preservation. A second workshop was held on April 21–23, 2010, in Dresden, Germany. Results of the two workshops will inform the efforts of the ISO/IEC JTC1 Study Group on Digital Content Management and Protection (SGDCMP), which was reconstituted in 2009 with a specific focus on digital preservation.

The U.S. workshop, which attracted about 130 registered attendees, was organized into three tracks: content, technology, and standards. Each track occupied a day of the meeting, beginning with a keynote address and ending with a panel discussion. In between, speakers were allotted 30 minute slots to present papers they had previously submitted. The format included time for questions after each talk and as part of the panel presentations, allowing ample opportunity for audience participation.

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