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State of the Standards: May 15, 2011

State of the Standards

March 2011

In Development or Revision

DAISY revision
Co-chairs: Markus Gylling, George Kerscher
NISO Z39.86-201x, Part A, Authoring and Interchange Framework
Issued as DSFTU through September 28, 2011.

ERM Data Standards & Best Practices Review
Co-chairs: ivy Anderson, Tim Jewell
Technical Report in development.

Establishing Suggested Practices Regarding Single Sign-on (ESPreSSO)
Co-chairs: Steve Carmody, Harry Kaplanian
NISO rP-11-201x, Establishing Suggested Practices Regarding Single Sign-on
Recommended Practice issued for public comment.

Institutional Identifiers (I2)
Co-chairs: grace Agnew, Oliver Pesch
NISO Z39.94-201x, Institutional Identifiers
Standard in development.

Improving OpenURLs Through Analytics (IOTA)
Chair: Adam Chandler
Technical Report in development.

Knowledge Base and Related Tools (KBart) Phase II
Joint project with UKSG
Co-chairs: Andreas Biedenbach, Sarah Pearson
NISO RP-9-2010, KBART: Knowledge Bases and Related Tools
Phase I Recommended Practice issued January 2010.
Phase II Recommended Practice in development.

Physical Delivery of Library Resources NISO-RP-12-201x, Physical Delivery of Library Resources
Co-chairs: Valerie Horton, Diana Sachs-Silveira
Recommended Practice to be issued for public comment in June.

Presentation and Identification of e-Journals (PIE-J)
Co-chairs: Bob Boissy, Cindy Hepfer
Recommended Practice in development.

RFID for LIbrary Applications Revision NISO-RP-6-201x, RFID in U.S. Libraries
Co-chairs: Vinod Chachra, Paul Sevcik
Recommended Practice issued for public comment.

Standardized Markup for Journal Articles
Co-chairs: Jeff Beck, B. Tommie Usdin
Z39.96-201x, JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite
Issued as DSFTU through September 30, 2011.

Supplemental Journal Article Materials
Joint project with NFAIS
Co-chairs Business Working Group: Linda Beebe, Marie McVeigh
Co-chairs Technical Working Group: Dave Martinsen, Alexander (Sasha) Schwarzman

Recommended Practice in development.