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Standards in Development: August 1, 2012

Standards in Development

June 2012

Listed below are the NISO working groups that are currently developing new or revised standards, recommended practices, or reports. refer to the NISO website ( and the Newsline quarterly supplement, Working Group Connection (, for updates on the working group activities.

Note: DSFTU stands for Draft Standard for Trial Use.

AI Framework (was DAISY Revision)
Co-chairs: Markus Gylling, George Kerscher
ANSI/NISO Z39.98-2012, Authoring and Interchange Framework for Adaptive XML Publishing specification
Approved for publication 7/9/2012.

Demand Driven Acquisition of Monographs
Co-chairs: TBA
Working group being formed.

Digital Bookmarking and Annotation Sharing
Co-chairs: Baden Hughes, Dan Whaley
NISO Z39.97-201x, Digital Bookmarking and Annotation
Standard in development.

E-book special interest Group
Co-chairs: Nettie Lagace, Todd Carpenter
Pre-standardization work underway in four sub-groups: Accessibility, Discovery Tools and Linking, Distribution, Metadata

Institutional Identifiers (i²)
Co-chairs: Grace Agnew, Oliver Pesch
NISO RP-17-201x, Institutional Identification: Identifying Organizations in the Information Supply Chain.
Finalizing for publication.

Improving OpenURLs through Analytics (IOTA)
Chair: Adam Chandler
Technical Report in Development.

Knowledge Base and related tools (KBART) Phase II
Joint project with UKSG.
Co-chairs: Andreas Biedenbach, Sarah Pearson
Phase II recommended Practice in development.

Open Discovery Initiative
Co-chairs: Marshall Breeding, Jenny Walker
Recommended Practice in Development.

Presentation and Identification of E-Journals (PIE-J)
Co-chairs: Bob Boissy, Cindy Hepfer
NISO RP-16-201x, Pie-J: The Presentation & Identification of E-Journals
Finalizing for publication following the public comment period.

Resource Synchronization
Co-chairs: Herbert Van de Sompel, Todd Carpenter
NISO Z39.99-201x, Specification for Web Resource Synchronization
In development.

Standard Interchange Protocol (SIP)
Co-chairs: John Bodfish, Ted Koppel
NISO Z39.100-201x Standard Interchange Protocol (SIP)
Working group being formed.

Standardized Markup for Journal Articles
Co-chairs: Jeff Beck, B. Tommie Usdin
NISO Z39.96-2012, JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite, Version 1.0
Approved by NISO; ANSI approval pending.

Supplemental Journal Article Materials
Joint project with NFAIS.
Co-chairs Business Working Group: Linda Beebe, Marie McVeigh.
Co-chairs Technical Working Group: Dave Martinsen, Alexander (Sasha) Schwarzman 

NISO RP-15-201x,Recommended Practices for Online Supplemental Journal Article Materials
Part A: Business Working Group recommendations being finalized for publication following draft for comments.
Part B: Technical Working Group recommendations issued as a Draft for Comments ending September 15, 2012.

SUSHI Server Working Group.
Chair: oliver Pesch

NISO RP-13-201x, Providing a Test Mode for SUSHI Servers Finalizing for publication following a draft for trial use.

SUSHI (Z39.93) Standing Committee
Co-chairs: Bob McQuillan, Oliver Pesch
NISO RP-14-201x, NISO SUSHI Protocol: COUNTER-SUSHI Implementation Profile
Finalizing for publication following a public comment period.

Z39.83 (NCIP) Standing Committee
Co-chairs: Mike Dicus, Robert Walsh
NISO Z39.83-1-2012, NISO Circulation Interchange Part 1: Protocol (NCIP), Version 2.02
NISO Z39.83-2-2012,
NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol (NCIP) Part 2: Implementation Profile 1
Approved by NISO; ANSI approval pending.