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February Webinar: The Start Up Effect—How Startups are Changing the Culture of Scholarly Communications

February Webinar

January 2016

For an industry that just celebrated its 350th anniversary, scholarly communications is in the midst of a period of disruption. Long-established companies are joining new start-ups in fostering a culture of innovation and iteration in this once staid community. New applications, tools, and even new content forms are being tested and adopted by researchers and library patrons. Understanding the drivers of this change, and its broader effects will be vital to planning near- and long-term technology investments, staffing needs, and training investments.

This session, to be held on February 10, 2016, will explore the organizational and cultural characteristics that support innovation from the perspective of both new and traditional organizations. It will also explore the impact the culture of start-ups has already had on scholarly communications and what might be forthcoming from this innovative explosion.

Planned speakers are:

  • Melinda Kenneway, Executive Director, Kudos
  • Lenny Teytelman, Founder,
  • Robin Champieux, Scholarly Communication Librarian, Oregon Health & Science University

For more information about this webinar and to register, visit the event webpage.