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Forthcoming ISO Ballots

Forthcoming ISO Ballots

January 2016

US–based NISO Voting members participate in the development, revision, and evaluation of international ISO standards. Voting members are able to influence the process and mold the future of the industry. The following ISO ballots are open for consideration by Voting members and will close in before the next Newsline is distributed.

  • New Work Item Proposal ISO/TR 28118 Quality Assessment for National Libraries
    The proposed Technical Report "Quality assessment for national libraries" shall cover two purposes: ​to revise and enlarge the collection of performance indicators in ISO/TR 28118 (2009), Performance indicators for national libraries​; and to define and describe methods for assessing and measuring the impact of national libraries and their services. Ballot closes on January 8, 2016​.
  • ISO/FDIS 15489-1 (Ed 2) Information and Documentation — Records Management — Part 1: Concepts and Principles
    This part of ISO 15489 defines the concepts and principles from which approaches to the creation, capture, and management of records are developed. Ballot closes on February 2, 2016.
  • ISO/DIS 17068-Information and Documentation — Trusted Third Party Repository for Digital Records
    This International Standard specifies requirements for a Trusted Third Party Repository (TTPR) to support the authorized custody service in order to ensure provable integrity and authenticity of the clients' digital records and serve as a source of reliable evidence. Ballot closes on February 3, 2016.