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February 25 Training Thursday: GitHub–How to Use it to Greatest Effect

February 25 Training Thursday

February 2016

About the Training

GitHub is a repository primarily for open source software. It has become an important central resource for many open source projects. Understanding how to use it, what can be done with it, and how the community uses the service to share resources is an important fundamental skill for those wanting to implement an open source solution. This session, guided by Arfon Smith, Chief Scientist, GitHub; Shawn Averkamp, Manager, Metadata Services Unit, New York Public Library; and Shaun Ellis, Digital Collections Users Interface Developer, Princeton University Library, will introduce participants to the GitHub service and describe its key features. This introduction will provide a foundation for future work with open source tools and software.

This session is meant to be a guided, step-by-step session that will follow the February 17 NISO Virtual Conference Using Open Source in Your Institution.

For more information and to register, visit the event page.