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September 2016 Forthcoming ISO Ballots

September 2016 Forthcoming ISO Ballots

September 2016

NISO Voting members participate in the development, revision, and evaluation of standards. Voting members are able to influence the standards process and mold the future of the industry. The following NISO ballots are open and will close before the next newsletter is distributed. If you are a NISO Voting Member, log into your NISO page and you'll see the ballots linked there.

ISO/NP 15836-2 - Information and documentation -- The Dublin Core metadata element set -- Part 2: DCMI Properties and classes
This International Standard will contain properties in the DCMI metadata terms namespace. This International Standard establishes a standard for cross-domain resource description, known as the Dublin Core Metadata Terms. It includes all properties in the /terms/ namespace and classes published as DCMI recommendation in 2012 [DCMI-TERMS]. The following properties from the aforementioned document are excluded:

  1. core elements published in Part 1 of this standard,
  2. vocabulary encoding schemes
  3. syntax encoding schemes
  4. DCMI Type vocabulary
  5. terms related to the DCMI Abstract Model

This International Standard does not limit what might be a resource. This International Standard does not provide implementation guidelines. However, the core elements, properties and classes are typically used in the context of an application profile which constrains or specifies their use in accordance with local or community-based requirements and policies.

This ballot closes on Friday, September 9, 2016.

Systematic Review of ISO 3297:2007 Information and documentation -- International standard serial number (ISSN)
This International Standard defines and promotes the use of a standard code (ISSN) for the unique identification of serials and other continuing resources. Each International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique identifier for a specific serial or other continuing resource in a defined medium. This International Standard also describes a mechanism, the "linking ISSN (ISSN-L)," that provides for collocation or linking among the different media versions of the same continuing resource.

This ballot closes on September 9, 2016.

SHORT TURN AROUND BALLOT - ISO 3166/MA recommendation to ISO TC 46
This is a TC46 ballot to approve of the recommendations of ISO 3166/MA
Recommendation to ISO/TC 46: Revision of ISO 3166 parts 1 to 3
Referring to Resolution 2014-04: Revision of ISO 3166 of ISO/TC 46 and after consultation with its members, the ISO 3166/MA recommends ISO/TC 46 to revise ISO 3166 parts 1 to 3 and requests ISO/TC 46 to:

  • publish the rules for establishing the codes (normative text) separately from the codes themselves and information given in the tables since they are now available on the ISO Online Browsing Platform
  • changes are released on OBP upon approval by the ISO 3166/MA voting members
  • on request, ISO member bodies can obtain a copy of the tables and codes (in Word, PDF and/or Excel formats) for ISO 3166 parts 1 to 3 from the ISO 3166/MA secretary
  • ISOCS no longer publishes multicolumn standards except for certain vocabularies

This ballot closes on Friday, September 16, 2016.

SHORT TURN AROUND BALLOT: ISO TC46 Strategic Business Plan 2016
ISO/TC 46 RESOLUTION 2016-09: Strategic business plan for TC 46 ISO/TC 46 instructs its Secretariat to distribute ISO/TC 46 strategic business plan and send it for a 3-month CIB ballot for review and comment by September 2016 before the ISO/TC 46 2016 strategic business plan is sent to ISO/CS for information to ISO TMB.

This ballot closes on Friday, September 23, 2016

ISO/DTR 19814 - ISO/TC 46/SC10 N166 - Information and documentation -- Holdings management for archive and library holdings
The ISO/TR 19814 Holdings Management technical report provides guidance and recommendations to plan, implement, maintain and improve preservation of archive and library holdings through holdings management.

TR 19814 provides recommendations and guidance for preservation planning and ongoing management of physical archive and library holdings.

TR 19814 applies to preservation of archive and library physical holdings of institutions and volumes small and large. It applies to all collections housed by an institution; their own holdings and deposits or loans from other institutions. Some information on digital collections - born digital and digitized for conservation is included for reference.

TR 19814 also applies to holdings that are being managed by governmental agencies. TR 19814 includes procedures for managing holdings in the stacks, research and reading rooms, conservation facilities, and while on exhibit and during transportation.

This ballot closes on Friday, September 30, 2016.