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NISO Professional Development Events in March and April 2017

NISO Professional Development Events in March and April 2017

March 2017

March 2017

NISO Two Part Webinar: Understanding The Marketplace

Part One: Consolidation: The Long-term Impact and the New Owners
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
1:00pm - 2:30pm (Eastern)

Part Two: Creating The New Information Product: Workflow, Software, and Content
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
1:00pm - 2:30pm (Eastern)

The information industry continues to adapt to changes in technology, in user expectations and in the library marketplace. Those adaptations have taken the form of consolidation in specific areas (such as, but not limited to, the consolidation in integrated library systems). Who are the new players? What exactly does a venture capitalist do and why are they entering this chaotic information ecosystem? The first portion of this two-part webinar on March 8 will review exactly what's happening in this rapidly shifting industry.

Product is reinvented in new forms, buoyed up by new business models. Providers who used to be in the business of journal publishing now are developing and licensing complex workflow environments. The second half of this two-part webinar, held on March 15, will feature discussions of how product design and development operates now. Some discussion may also be given over to how librarians might best work with content providers to ensure that practical requirements are understood, negotiated and satisfied by these new players and providers.

April 2017

NISO Webinar: Trends in Presentation and Delivery: Publishing Experts Speak
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
1:00 - 2:00pm (Eastern)

The objective of this session is to gather input from consultants, content and technology providers as to their perspective on emerging technologies that might transform (or at least enhance) the presentation and delivery of information to researchers and scholars. What visions do they have for enhancing information environments and resources? What possibilities get them excited? What "Next Big Thing" do they see? It may be on the fringes now, but it might just as easily go viral!

NISO Virtual Conference: Opening Up Education: Textbooks, Resources, Courseware, and More
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
11:00am - 5:00pm (Eastern)

The 21st century educational environment demands a certain amount of re-thinking and re-design of classroom support for learning - textbooks, information resources, and interactive courseware. An emphasis on cost-containment and accessibility suggests that education will become more open. This virtual conference will address the complexities of delivering instructional tools and digital resources in the increasingly open educational ecosystem. What is a textbook? Is it engineered into an online learning environment, with content, study aids and quizzes delivered as appropriate to a personalized student experience? What is the long-term role of Open CourseWare, as created by the likes of MIT or Yale? What does a growing interest in OER suggest for the various stakeholders? What types of technological support may be necessary?

Access to an associated NISO Training Thursday webinar on April 20, 2017 is included in your registration for this virtual conference.

NISO Connections Live Event: XML for Standards Publishers
Monday, April 24, 2017
9:30am - 5:00pm (Eastern)

Standards have been traditionally delivered as PDF documents. Yet in a world where standards are increasingly monetized through derivative products, exchanged between partners, and consumed on mobile devices, PDF does not provide the flexibility needed to meet current and future market demands.

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) is hosting this event for standards publishers as an aid to the understanding of how XML provides the key to solve all of these issues, improve publishing processes, and bring business value to the organization.