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NISO Professional Development Events in August, September, and October 2017

NISO Professional Development Events in August, September, and October 2017

August 2017

NISO's educational events in the month of August include a webinar looking at the lending of hotspots to those in under-served communities as well as a virtual conference looking at the role of the academic library with regard to research information management systems. But don't forget to check out what's coming up in September and October!

Supporting Access to the Internet in Under-Served Communities
NISO Webinar
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. (Eastern)

This 90-minute session will look at current activities by public library systems that are attempting to extend Internet access to underserved communities and households. Many public library systems-both large and small-are experimenting with the loan of Wi-Fi hotspots. What have been the outcomes of such initiatives? How might libraries-whether in urban or rural environments-better support patron needs for access to the Internet in a world where the assumption is that everyone is mobile and constantly online?

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Rae Cheney, Library Services Manager, Keller Public Library, Keller, Texas
  • Maria Meachum, Director, Wilmington Public Library, Wilmington, Illinois
  • Nick Buron, Chief Librarian, Queens Library (NY)

For speaker abstracts, see the NISO event page.

Note: Institutions that belong to the NISO Library Standards Alliance (LSA) automatically receive access credentials for this webinar as a benefit of their membership.

Research Information Systems: The Connections Enabling Collaboration
NISO Virtual Conference
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Eastern)

Many in the academic community have heard about research information systems (RIS); these are increasingly sophisticated systems that capture various data surrounding the funding, workflow and final output of the research process for purposes of analysis and assessment. The next phase of development for RIS is to network researchers in the interest of building strategic research initiatives and effective collaborations.

This conference will look at the vision for and the progress being made in various initiatives. How might research information systems become more tightly integrated with workflow applications? The data captured in an RIS system is significant and should drive increased functionality and accruing value. The event will spotlight entities that foster-through the development of resources or networks-the ability of researchers to identify and connect with collaborators for their work.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Rebecca Bryant, Senior Program Officer, OCLC Research, OCLC
  • Scott Warren, Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship, Syracuse University Libraries, and Anne Rauh, Collection Development and Analysis Librarian, Syracuse University Libraries, Syracuse University
  • Jan Fransen, Service Lead for Researcher and Discovery Systems, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
  • Muhammad Javed, Ph.D., Ontology Engineer/Tech. Lead (Scholars@Cornell), Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University
  • Daniel Calto, Director of Solution Services, Research Intelligence, Elsevier
  • Andi Ogier, Director for Data Services, Virginia Tech University; Virginia (Ginny) Pannabecker, Associate Director, Research Collaboration and Engagement, Virginia Tech University Libraries; and Peggy Layne, Assistant Provost for Faculty Development, Virginia Tech
  • Marlee Givens, Librarian for Modern Languages and Library Learning Consultant, Georgia Tech
  • Christine Gillis Bilton, Manager, Research Information Systems, University of Waterloo

For more information, please visit the NISO event page.

NISO Two Part Webinar: Digital and Data Literacy
Part One: Identifying Demands on Students, Faculty, and Librarians
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
1:00 p.m. -2:30 p.m. (Eastern)

Part Two: Satisfying the Need
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. (Eastern)

Digital literacy. Data literacy. Those are just buzz phrases. Or are they? What degree of expertise should students and faculty have in order to effectively wrangle data and/or work with digital assets? What are the basic requirements in the modern workplace or laboratory? It's no longer a question of mastering word processing or spreadsheets. Whether it is data science or digital humanities, what enables us, what qualifies us to work with digital assets? And how do we know?

The second portion of this two-part event is scheduled for September 20, 2017. Having identified gaps in understanding, this follow-up segment will feature case studies from those institutions that have assumed leadership roles in training students and faculty in emerging tools and methodologies for working with digital materials and generating new digital assets.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Katy Kavanagh Webb, Head, Research & Instructional Services, East Carolina University Libraries
  • John M. Sloop, Associate Provost, Digital Learning, Vanderbilt University
  • Jo Angela Oehrli, Learning Librarian, Children's Literature Librarian, University of Michigan Libraries; others TBA.

Strategic Directions: Strategic Thinking: Five Years Ahead
NISO Webinar
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
1:00 - 2:30 p.m. (Eastern)

This webinar will be driven by discussion of five significant trends (as identified by the global community of libraries) and the long-term ramifications. How are emerging technologies re-shaping existing legal protections and what does that mean for users and providers of digital content in a networked world? Can we rely on online education technologies to produce a more highly educated workforce? Will the networks of information and communication technologies enable collaboration as anticipated? How much personal data ought a provider to expect in exchange for content access? How far does the right of privacy extend? Information and communication technologies (ICT) are having an impact on human interactions and transactions. How will those transactions look in 2022?

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Keith Webster, Dean of Libraries, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Sayeed Choudhury, Associate Dean for Research Data Management; Hodson Director of the Digital Research and Curation Center, Johns Hopkins University
  • Rick Luce, Dean, University Libraries, University of Oklahoma; others TBA.