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NISO Professional Development Events, August and September 2018

NISO Professional Development Events, August and September 2018

July 2018

August 8,  NISO Webinar

Discovery -- Where Researchers Start

If the discovery resources available via the library don’t necessarily serve as the faculty’s starting line for launching cutting-edge research, then what’s the next step? Published in early 2017, ITHAKA’s US Library Survey of roughly 1,500 institutional libraries indicated a diminishing expectation that the institutional library will be the starting point for researchers. What does that suggest for content providers and for library professionals? How does a library know that faculty are using something else? How can libraries draw upon that knowledge of researcher preferences to improve their own services?

August 15, NISO Virtual Conference

The Computer Campus: Integrating Information Systems and Services

Super computing is used by scientists and engineers working on complex research problems. Such investigations may involve data-intensive applications that consume enormous amounts of bandwidth and computing power. Instruction on campus is increasingly tied to learning management systems, which require seamless integration with information resources found in libraries. Libraries are screaming their numerous concerns associated with digital asset and access management. Where is the institutional IT department and just how far can its resources be stretched? This virtual event will look at systems demands found on campus and offer examples of how innovative research institutions (and most particularly, their libraries) are meeting the challenges of talent-sourcing, integration, and support.

September 12, NISO Two-Part Webinar

Part One, Using Analytics to Extract Value from the Library's Data

Faced with a highly diverse combination of externally and internally collected data (web visits, gate counter, collection usage, subject analysis, budgets, space use, reference help interactions, etc.), academic libraries have rapidly mastered the value and use of analytics. Whether analyzing prospective subscription packages to determine their value for an institution’s research activities or reviewing usage data drawn from the local digital repository, libraries want to extract meaning from the increasing volume of library data. What does that data look like? How should that data be managed? And in what combinations is that data most enlightening?

September 19, NISO Two-Part Webinar

Part Two, Using Analytics to Extract Value from the Library's Data

We have the data and the report. Looking beyond the simple statistical report (how many individuals attended a program or searched a database), what might be best practices in using that data in support of long-term planning and decision making? What types of trends do libraries believe they might be seeing? Wrestling with library data should yield significant insights about the institution's needs. Libraries and those who serve them will benefit from understanding how data is being wrangled, mixed, and interpreted.