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Take The Survey: NISO Education Committee Soliciting Input on 2019 Program of Events

Take The Survey

July 2018

What Interests You? What Concerns You?

Each year, NISO offers an extended series of educational programs -- fourteen 90-minute webinars and 6 virtual conferences. As we begin formulating the 2019 series, the NISO Education Committee seeks feedback on those topics that have the greatest interest for NISO members and non-members. 

Below appears a link to a shared Google document describing more than 30 possible event topics. That Google document may be viewed online or printed out for considered review.

Also below is a link to a SurveyMonkey feedback form. Your completion of that form will aid the Education Committee in shaping the right combination of programs and ensure that these virtual events meet professional development needs. The survey will be open for two weeks, closing on July 25, 2018. This is your chance to ensure that NISO programs provide the benefit intended for your staff and organization. 

Potential Topics for NISO 2019 Educational Events (Google Document)

Feedback Form, Proposed Topics, 2019 Educational Events (SurveyMonkey)

The form allows the option of amplifying on what specifics might need to be covered in a particular topic.

The Education Committee is eager to understand what issues are of greatest interest to this audience.  Please take fifteen minutes to help us ensure that NISO programs satisfy your expectations.