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NISO Professional Development, September and October 2018

NISO Professional Development, September and October 2018

September 2018

Professional Development Events, September and October 2018


NISO Two-Part Webinar, Using Analytics to Extract Value from the Library’s Data
September 12 and September 19, 2018; 1:00pm – 2:30 pm (Eastern, US  & Canada)

Faced with a highly diverse combination of externally and internally collected data (web visits, gate counter, collection usage, subject analysis, budgets, space use, reference help interactions, etc.), academic libraries have rapidly mastered the value and use of analytics. Whether analyzing prospective subscription packages to determine their value for an institution’s research activities or reviewing usage data drawn from the local digital repository, libraries want to extract meaning from the increasing volume of library data. What does that data look like? How should that data be managed? And in what combinations is that data most enlightening?

We have the data and the report. Looking beyond the simple statistical report (how many individuals attended a program or searched a database), what might be best practices in using that data in support of long-term planning and decision making? What types of trends do libraries believe they might be seeing? Wrestling with library data should yield significant insights about the institution's needs. Libraries and those who serve them will benefit from understanding how data is being wrangled, mixed, and interpreted.

Part 1 of this webinar, Analytics Behind the Scenes, will be held on Wednesday, September 12, 2018.

Part 2 of this webinar, Actionable Data Analysiswill be held on Wednesday, September 19, 2018.

Confirmed speakers in these two 90-minute sessions include:

  • Suzanna Conrad, Associate Dean for Digital Technologies & Resource Management, University Library, California State University, Sacramento
  • Steven Braun, Data Analytics and Visualization SpecialistNortheastern University Libraries
  • Corey Harper, Data Scientist / Sr. Tech. Researcher, Elsevier Labs
  • Emily Guhde, Director of Library Assessment, Georgetown University Library
  • Rachel Lewellen, Head of Assessment and Program Management, Harvard Library
  • Dr. Frankie Wilson, Head of Assessment, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford


NISO Two Part Webinar, Finding The Funding
October 10 and October 17, 2018, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (Eastern, US & Canada)

This event will look at the messaging, media platforms, policymaking, agency, and tensions involved when librarians become funding advocates. It will also examine social media and effective practices related to navigating participatory networks.

Aside from funding libraries themselves, there are many innovative projects that might never be accomplished without the support of grants from foundations of various sizes and sorts. What are the current trends? The speakers in this event will identify and examine those trends and share their possible impact on the academic environment.

Confirmed speakers include David Rothman and Corilee Christou, Library Endowment; Phil Ward, University of Kent; Lance Werner, Kent District Library with additional names soon to be announced.

Part 1 of this Webinar, Finding the Funding: Library Funding and Successful Advocacy, will be held on Wednesday, October 10, 2018.

Part 2 of this Webinar, Finding the Funding: Strategic Approaches to Funding Scholarly Initiatives, will be held on Wednesday, October 17, 2018. 

NISO Virtual Conference - That Cutting Edge:  Technology’s Impact on Scholarly Research Processes in the Library
October 24, 2018, 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Eastern, US & Canada)

Recent years have introduced a variety of new technologies into the mainstream, such as artificial intelligence, data science, and virtual and augmented reality. As the research community increasingly uses these tools and techniques to generate findings, what are the needs of the library in supporting the research activity as well as the resulting output? This virtual conference will explore technologies supported by the modern research library and the impact on both workflow and workforce.

Confirmed speakers include Jeremy Frumkin, Executive Director, Research Technologies, University of Arizona,  Alicia Peaker, College of Bryn Mawr, and Darby Orcutt and Susan Ivey, both of North Carolina State University; additional names soon to be announced.