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JATS4R Public Comment Period for Subjects and Keywords Recommendations, March 21- April 22

JATS4R Public Comment Period for Subjects and Keywords Recommendations, March 21- April 22

April 2019

JATS4R Public Comment Period for Subjects and Keywords Recommendations, March 21-April 22

The JATS4R Subjects and Keywords subgroup has released its recommendations for public commenting. This set of recommendations contains best practices for tagging keywords and subject data using NISO JATS 1.1. It treats keywords as distinct from subjects, the former of which pertain to indexing rather than generation of an eTOC or other display-related purpose.

The sub-group has reviewed the new elements and attributes in the NISO Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) v1.2; any recommendations that involve elements or attributes from this set are identified in these recommendations for the reader’s consideration. Note: as outlined in ANSI/NISO Z39.96-2015, keyword elements are typically used when the purpose of the values are identification, searching, and indexing. Subject elements are typically used when the purpose of the values are to display topical or document-type groupings or headings, such as in a table of contents.