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Hybrid IT Alignment: for Campus, Cloud and Community

Hybrid IT Alignment: for Campus, Cloud and Community

August 2019

This presentation by Robert McDonald was part of NISO's August 15 Virtual Conference on Integrating Information Systems and Services, held in 2018. In case you missed it, McDonald offered this as the abstract of his talk, " Research libraries have a long history of cooperating around common needs for technology, resources, and software. However, this approach is not always true between libraries and their central IT units on their campuses. This presentation will discuss use of highly leveraged IT resources for developing appropriate technology management scenarios that extend from the single campus to the large university system. The talk with rethink the leverage brought to bear by current cloud technologies as well as identifying and utilizing community based resources that may become more and more important to the library community over the long-term.


Click on the arrow above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on Youtube.