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Educopia Institute Receives Funding in Support of Scholarly Infrastructures

Educopia Institute Receives Funding in Support of Scholarly Infrastructures

September 2019

The Educopia Institute has received two major awards in support of furthering library publishing activities and the building of open source publishing infrastructures.

From the Institute of Museum and Library Services, as a part of the National Leadership Grants for Libraries program, the Educopia Institute has received a grant in the amount of $241,510.00. Educopia Institute, the Library Publishing Coalition, and 12 partner libraries will investigate, synchronize, and model a range of workflows to increase the capacity of libraries to publish open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journals. Most library publishers develop services in response to local needs, and initial workflows are generally home-grown and varied. This makes comparative analysis and peer learning nearly impossible and contributes to frequent omissions of crucial workflow steps, such as contributing metadata to aggregators (essential for discovery and impact) and depositing content in preservation repositories (necessary for a stable scholarly record). This project's workflow model will help libraries provide strong services for a wider range of journals, representing a significant advance in the development of open and academy-owned scholarship. Documented workflows will help existing and aspiring library programs to streamline their processes and follow best practices in journal publishing.

A full description of the Library Publishing Workflows project may be found here.

Announced on August 28, 2019, the Educopia Institute received an award in the amount of $2,200,000 from Arcadia—a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin—in support of the “Next Generation Library Publishing” project.

Through this project, Educopia and its partner institutions—California Digital Library (CDL), Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), Longleaf Services, LYRASIS, and Strategies for Open Science (Stratos)—will provide new publishing pathways for authors, editors, and readers by advancing and integrating open source publishing infrastructure to provide robust support for library publishing.

The full text from that August 28 press release may be found here.