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Good to Know! Read Up on EDitEUR's Development of Thema

Good to Know! Read Up on EDitEUR's Development of Thema

September 2019

Preparing for Thema version 1.4!

The intent behind the formulation of Thema was to develop a descriptive book subject classification system (similar to BISAC) that was suited to the needs of a multi-cultural, multi-lingual book supply chain. A core tenet of the system was that the scheme would be sufficiently flexible to allow an individual market to retain a unique cultural voice, all while remaining a unified and simple-to-adopt scheme.

The Book Industry Study Group (BISG), a NISO member organization, recently published an informative three-part series on the creation and development of Thema.

Posted July 7, 2019: Thema: Developing A Subject Category Scheme for A Global Book Trade

Posted July 19, 2019: Thema in a Global Marketplace

Posted August 16, 2019: How Thema Can Be Used In Practice

The July issue of the EDitEUR Newsletter indicated that it has convened a working group of experts from a variety of national groups who are charged with reviewing proposed additions and changes for the next update of Thema, "The timetable leading up to the release of Thema version 1.4 is for the working group to review the initial proposals over the second half of 2019, and to submit a draft of 1.4 for study by all the national groups early in 2020." 

Thema is managed and maintained by EDItEUR, which also manages the ONIX standard. A number of national or regional interest groups, comprised of stakeholders in each market, send representatives to the Thema International Steering Committee and make suggestions and decisions about the development of Thema. The national and regional interest groups ensure that the scheme remains global and commercially relevant.