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NISO Professional Development Events, October 2019

NISO Professional Development Events, October 2019

September 2019

Free Informational Webinar, October 8, 2019, 11:00am

KBART Open Hour
Tuesday, October 8, 2019, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (Eastern)

Do you work for a publisher, aggregator, or content provider and have questions about how to implement KBART for your content? Need to know how to format a particular KBART field, or what it is used for? Want to learn about resources you can use in developing your KBART files, or how to get feedback on your files? On October 8, 2019, at 11 a.m. Eastern, join the KBART Standing Committee for a FREE, 60-minute "open hour" question-and-answer format webinar hosted by NISO and get information about KBART straight from the group.

We will begin the webinar with a brief presentation on the KBART endorsement process, followed by answers to frequently asked questions and discussion of questions posted by attendees. To submit a question ahead of time, please email with the subject "Webinar Question". Attendees will also be able to submit questions during the webinar via chat.

KBART (Knowledge Bases and Related Tools) is a NISO Recommended Practice that describes how to transmit data about serials and books/monographs to knowledge bases maintained by link resolver, resource management, and discovery system vendors.

The KBART Standing Committee members participating in this event include Noah Levin, NISO KBART Standing Committee Co-Chair; Dominic Benson, Analytics and Discovery Officer, Brunel University London; Mark Calkins, Senior Product Support Specialist, OCLC; Robert Heaton, Collection Management Librarian, Utah State University Libraries;  Ben Johnson, Provider Relations Engagement Manager, ProQuest/Ex Libris; Sheri Meares, Senior Director, Knowledge Base, EBSCO Information Services; and Andrée Rathemacher, Head, Acquisitions, University of Rhode Island Libraries and NISO KBART Standing Committee Co-Chair.  

NISO Monthly Webinar, October 9, 2019

Value-Add to Cataloging: Efficiency and Effectiveness Revisited
Wednesday, October 9, 2019, 1:00 - 2:30 pm (Eastern)

Cataloging of materials is not the workflow that it was fifty years ago. The skill sets and tasks associated with application of metadata in the 21st century demand new techniques and tools. What might this entail? Ought there to be different elements included in the metadata? Should there be more application of automated processes? What opportunities for value-add are there for service and content providers? How might these changes improve the success of the user experience? This session will explore the possibilities of revisiting cataloging activities with an eye to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness. A cross-section of views from multiple stakeholders will form the substance of this event.

This event will be a roundtable discussion by stakeholders actively engaging with these questions and concerns. Confirmed speakers among others include Kelsey George, Cataloging and Metadata Strategies Librarian, University of Nevada - Las Vegas, Casey Cheney, Vice President, Automation Services, Backstage Library Works, Marcia Barrett, Cataloging & Metadata Strategies Librarian, University of California, Santa Cruz, and Nathan Putnam, Director, Metadata Quality, Global Product Management, OCLC. 

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NISO Training Series Begins October 25, 2019

Assessment Practices and Metrics for the 21st Century: A 2019 NISO Training Series
Friday, October 25, 2019 - December 20, 2019, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm (Eastern)

Objective: To explore assessment practices in library spaces, collections, services, and strategic innovations – a sequel to the introductory trainings offered in 2018. Participants will also have access to the 2018 webinar recordings for an introduction to library assessment issues.

Libraries are transforming lives and they are transforming their spaces, their services, their collections by becoming strategic partners in developing community-focused, social, cultural, and intellectual hubs. Our seminar series this year will focus on the transformations happening in today’s 21st century library and in the changes that are to come. Specifically, we'll hear from eight leading professionals as they present specific case studies focusing on assessment as applied to these four areas:

  • space,
  • collections,
  • services, and
  • strategic innovation. 

Registration for this event includes access to the archived recordings from the 2018 Training Series on Assessment Practices and Metrics in the 21st Century

Course Moderator: Dr. Martha Kyrillidou, CEO, QualityMetrics, LLC. 

Confirmed guest lecturers in 2019 include among others:

  • Elliot Felix, Founder & CEO, Brightspot Strategy
  • Galadriel Chilton, Ivy Plus Libraries, Director of Collections InitiativesLibrary Administrative Services, Yale University;
  • Trevor Dawes, University Librarian, University of Delaware and Erin Daix, Librarian and Director of Assessment, University of Delaware
  • Clara Chu, Affiliate Professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois
  • Pedro Reynoso, Outreach & Instruction Librarian, Chabot College
  • Joe Zucca, Associate University Librarian for Library Technology Services, University of Pennsylvania  

Who Will Benefit From This Training Series:

  • Academic librarians whose role includes planning and assessment as a professional role or who have been assigned to conduct assessment exercises in their own library
  • Early or mid-career publishing staff in product development or marketing roles who seek a better understanding of libraries and their data and assessment activities to deliver better products or services
  • Mid-career managers or supervisors whose roles require them to conduct small and medium size assessment projects or exercises.

Course Dates and Duration: Friday, October 25, 2019 – Friday, December 20, 2019. The series consists of eight (8) segments, one per week and each lasting approximately 60-90 minutes. Each segment is intended to cover a Friday lunch period (11:30am - 1:00pm, US. Eastern). Note that the Friday of Thanksgiving weekend does not have a scheduled segment

Guest lecturers may be featured in specific segments, as the course instructor deems appropriate. 

The course will feature case studies from a variety of institutions so that practical learning for attendees can be attained. The Q&A segment will encourage attendee thinking about emerging needs associated with the topics presented.

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