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NISO Professional Development Events, January and February 2020

NISO Professional Development Events, January and February 2020

January 2020

January 2020

NISO Two Part Webinar

NISO Two Part Webinar Identity Management Strategies
Wednesdays, January 15, and January 22, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm (Eastern Time)

Identity Management and Authentication Strategies, Part One, Wednesday, January 15, 2020:

Organizations and institutions holding licensed content or other sensitive forms of data -- regardless of whether the data may be hosted in a library or in a proprietary service or platform setting -- must do so with the intent of minimizing any risk of leakage or unauthorized incursion by third parties. One solution consistently put forward in recent years is the use of federated identity management systems. An application verifies the user’s right to interact with a particular system by engaging with another system storing individual credentials and the various access rights associated with those credentials. 

However, depending upon the institution’s role and resources, hesitation may arise about the trustworthiness of such federated identity systems. This roundtable will feature discussion by a variety of stakeholders (chief technology officers, information professionals, producers of content and service providers) to talk about available system options, their reliability and the benefits gained in their use.

Talking to Your Organization’s IT Group When You’re Not an IT Person, Part Two, Wednesday, January 22, 2020:

Libraries may not always be blessed with their own dedicated information technology unit. Those lucky enough to have such internal access are in a better position to discuss complex issues, such as those surrounding identity management and authentication. But what if you or your colleagues are dependent upon an external IT group, one that has different professional priorities? What might be the best tips and tricks for communicating library needs and concerns to those IT groups? They may be using the same vocabulary but associating a different definition with the terminology. This event will be a roundtable discussion between professionals with the intent of easing those exchanges in order to reach shared goals. 

NOTE: ALL members of NISO automatically receive sign-on credentials for this event as a member benefit. There is no need to register separately. Check your institutional membership status here.

Non-members of NISO may register for one session or for both at a packaged rate. Access to an archived recording of the event is always included in your registration fee, regardless of membership status. See the individual event pages for more information!

NISO on the Road


NISO Standards Update
Saturday, January 25, 2020, 1:00 - 2:30pm

The NISO Update provides the latest news about NISO's current efforts, including standards, recommended practices and community meetings covering many areas of interest to the library community. Working group members will provide updates on projects newly underway or recently completed. The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to participate. Putting “Recommended Practices…from the Resource Access in 21st Century (RA21) Project” into practice
Sunday, January 26, 2020, 10:30 - 11:30am

In July 2020, will be launching a new, privacy-preserving service to simplify Single Sign-On access to a wide range of scholarly collaboration tools, information resources, and shared research infrastructure. The next stage of the RA21 project is currently in Beta testing, and this session will give a community update on the state of the project. is a community-driven effort backed by stakeholders from across the industry including NISO, ORCiD, the International Association of STM Publishers, and organizations involved in managing global Research & Education networks (Internet2, GÉANT). Over the next 7 months leading up to the launch, SeamlessAccess is beta testing this new service with a variety of publishers and institutions to understand integration scenarios, test specific use cases (such as walk-in access), and finalize the implementation standards. In addition, SeamlessAccess is setting up several cross-industry working groups to develop best practices and policies around the use of Single Sign-On, including template contractual terms covering data protection and configuration profiles to simply library implementation. This session will share the lessons learned from the beta testing, the best practices and policies developed by these working groups, and describe libraries and librarians need to know in order to deliver a simpler, privacy-preserving access experience for users.

February 2020

NFAIS Forethought:

Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Internal Systems
February 12, 2020, 1:00 - 2:30 pm (Eastern Time)

Every organization, as a standard course of action, should be implementing protection policies and updating protective measures surrounding their confidential data and internal systems. Phishing and malware are a constant threat. As a response, reliable cybersecurity requires an integrated approach in ensuring the safety of networks, devices, and data. How should enterprises and institutions be thinking about their cybersecurity needs? What basic requirements should be in place? What guidelines or best practices exist? What are the best resources? This roundtable discussion will bring together experts active in the field to address these and other questions.

NOTE: ALL members of NISO automatically receive sign-on credentials for this event as a member benefit. There is no need to register separately. Check your institutional membership status here.

And Introducing....

The NISO Plus Conference
Sunday February 23, 2020 - Tuesday, February 25, 2020, The Lord Baltimore Hotel

The NISO Plus conference is a continuation of the NFAIS Annual Conference, but in a new and exciting form. We are taking the 60+ year history of the NFAIS Annual conference and expanding it to contain even more of the information professions. We want the NISO Plus Conference to be a place where publishers, vendors, librarians, archivists, product managers, metadata specialists, electronic resource managers, and much more come together to both solve existing problems and more importantly have conversations that prevent future problems from ever occurring.

Click here for a list of confirmed speakers, sponsors, registration information and more!