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NISO Plus Scholarship Winners Announced

NISO Plus Scholarship Winners Announced

February 2020

We are delighted to announce that, thanks to the generous support of the Alfred P Sloan Foundation and our Byte level sponsors, we have awarded 12 scholarships for the inaugural NISO Plus conference. There are two categories of scholarship — Early Career and Equity & Diversity — and we received a total of nearly 60 applications. With support from NISO staff, these were reviewed by a small committee comprising Rhonda Ross (ACS), Peter Simon (NewsBank Inc), and Miranda Walker (Wolters Kluwer) — all NISO Board members; and Simon Holt (Elsevier), Sara Rouhi (PLOS), and Stephanie Sendaula (Library Journal). Our thanks to them all!

The successful candidates come from the US, UK, Brazil, Germany, and Switzerland, and from NISO’s key stakeholder groups — libraries, publishers, and service/infrastructure providers. Their scholarships cover registration, travel to and from the conference, accommodation at the conference hotel, and a stipend for meals and local travel. In addition to attending the conference itself, we have a fun social program lined up for our awardees, including meeting with NISO Board members, an invitation to the NISO Plus VIP reception, and tickets for our Monday night magic show! There’ll also be time for them to get to know each other and, of course, the NISO staff.

We’re very much looking forward to welcoming our first cohort of NISO Plus scholarship awardees to Baltimore at the weekend and, in the meantime, we invite you to join us in congratulating them!

Early Career scholarships are being awarded to:

  • Kimberly Arleth, Library Product Analyst – Vendor Platforms, American Psychological Association (USA)
  • Melissa Close, Publishing Assistant , Emerald Group Publishing (USA)
  • Kelly Denzer, Collection Strategist, Davidson College (USA)
  • Elizabeth Fedden, Acquisitions Librarian, Leo Baeck Institute (USA)
  • Marisela Madrigal, Electronic Resources Resident Librarian, Bates College (USA)
  • Lega Martin Yoyo Mogga, Library and Information Specialist, World Health Organization (Switzerland)
  • Clarissa West-White, Reference Instructor/Librarian, Bethune Cookman University (USA)

Equity & Diversity scholarships are being awarded to:

  • Qiana Johnson, Collection and Organizational Data Analysis Librarian, Northwestern University Libraries (USA)
  • Gabriela Mejias, Engagement Manager, Europe, Middle East and Africa, ORCID (Germany)
  • Raymond Pun, Instruction/Research Librarian, Alder Graduate School of Education (USA)
  • Gabrielle Rundle, Cases Publisher, Emerald Publishing (UK)
  • Carolina Tanigushi, Jr Visual Programmer, SciELO (Brazil)