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Macmillan Shifts Position on Ebook Pricing Model for Limited Time Period

Macmillan Shifts Position on Ebook Pricing Model for Limited Time Period

March 2020

Remember our story from January 2020, Ebooks and Embargoes in Eleven Links? (See link in the sidebar to the right.) Gary Price of Infodocket just tweeted out a shift in Macmillan ebook pricing!

Some Good News! Macmillan is RETURNING to the #Ebook Pricing Model That Was in Effect on October 31st, 2019 & Lowering Some E-Book Prices on a Short Term Basis

— LJ's infoDOCKET (@infodocket) March 17, 2020

See also the piece in Publishers Weekly appearing earlier this month. It notes that Macmillan was exploring possibilities.