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Tools to support systematic review research - An Excerpt from Stephanie Roth

Tools to support systematic review research - An Excerpt from Stephanie Roth

March 2020

This presentation by Stephanie Roth was part of a NISO 2020 virtual conference entitled Researcher Behaviors and the Impact of Technology. Roth offered this as the abstract of her talk:

The systematic review process is complex and using tools can help researchers to navigate the steps involved in a systematic review. There are tools available at no cost to researchers for each of the various stages of the systematic review. Some tools are designed specifically for systematic reviews. With over a hundred tools to choose from specifically designed for systematic reviews, choosing the right tool can be daunting for researchers. As part of the systematic review service at our library, we ask researchers to complete a protocol form. The protocol form gives us insights into their current awareness or knowledge of tools and we are able to offer customized recommendations or training. We give them the information they need to make an informed decision of what tool to use, without deciding for them.

Click on the arrow above to watch the embedded video or click through here to view the recorded presentation on Youtube.