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Announcing Two New NISO Repositories!

Announcing Two New NISO Repositories!

May 2020

As you may have seen, in the last couple of weeks, we have launched not just one, but two repositories — for NISO video content and for NISO Plus content, sponsored by Cadmore Media and Figshare respectively. Together, the materials in our new repositories will ultimately form a lasting record of NISO Plus 2020, as well as future conferences. Content on both sites is openly available, and we encourage you to use it, share it, and cite it.

NISO Video Repository

The NISO Video repository currently features videos of key sessions from NISO Plus 2020, including the opening and closing keynotes, the Miles Conrad Award ceremony, and the Engaging with NISO session.  All videos meet accessibility standards, with a searchable transcript that highlights each segment of the audio as the video is playing, and/or closed captions. Easy navigation helps you get to the content you want quickly, and a handy personal clipping tool lets you edit and cite that content as needed. Over the coming weeks, we will be working on adding full metadata — based, of course, on the recommendations (in progress) of the NISO Video and Audio Metadata Guidelines Working Group.

NISO Plus Repository

Featuring more than 20 presentations from NISO Plus 2020, and with more content being added as we write, this repository will be a valuable resource for everyone in the information community — whether you attended the conference or not.  All items have their own DOI, and many also include ORCID iDs for the speakers, enabling easy and unambiguous discovery and citation, and all are available under a CC-4.0 license. In the coming weeks, we’ll be adding more materials from the conference, including a report on the outputs of each session and next steps for NISO and our community.

We hope that you’ll make full use of these new resources, and welcome your comments and feedback.