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New CEO and Executive Director of AGU To Arrive in August

New CEO and Executive Director of AGU To Arrive in August

June 2020

NISO Member Organization News from the American Geophysical Union

NISO Member News, Just In Case You Missed It --> AGU’s next CEO and Executive Director will be Randy Fiser - From The Prow

— Jill ONeill (@jillmwo) June 5, 2020

From the AGU press release: 

Randy Fiser will be AGU’s CEO and executive director, effective 17 August 2020.  

Randy is eager to work with the AGU community to build upon the last 100 years of scientific advances by expanding both discovery and solution-based sciences through new partnerships. Like all of us, he recognizes the challenges and opportunities presented by the pandemic. He is motivated to work with the AGU community to ensure that future global challenges are met with a stronger foundation for decisions based on sound science.  

Randy joins us from the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) where he was the CEO and president. By creating values-based messaging on the impact of design, Randy turned ASID into a leading professional society. During his eight-year tenure, his accomplishments included:  

  • grew membership, non-dues revenue and the awareness of organization with the community.  
  • developed new conferences and programs based on gaps in the community’s needs.
  • repositioned the organization as a thought leader through strategic alliances and partnerships.