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New and Emerging Specs and Standards (July 2020)

New and Emerging Specs and Standards (July 2020)

July 2020

What You'll Need to Know!

ISO/IEC 19757-3:2020 Information technology — Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) — Part 3: Rule-based validation using Schematron
Technical Committee: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Document description and processing languages
"This document specifies Schematron, a schema language for XML. This document establishes requirements for Schematron schemas and specifies when an XML document matches the patterns specified by a Schematron schema. Schematron uses query languages such as XPath for writing assertions."

ISO/IEC 29184:2020 Information technology — Online privacy notices and consent
Technical Committee: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection

"This document specifies controls which shape the content and the structure of online privacy notices as well as the process of asking for consent to collect and process personally identifiable information (PII) from PII principals. This document is applicable in any online context where a PII controller or any other entity processing PII informs PII principals of processing."

ISO/TR 22038:2020 Information and documentation — Description and presentation of rights information
Technical Committee: ISO/TC 46/SC 9 Identification and description

"This document provides an effective presentation of rights information in digital collections to end-users. Digital collection, in this document, is mainly focused on digital collections in libraries, museums, archives or other organizations that offer similar resources to their patrons. This document deals with the human-readable aspects of the rights presentation. Technical aspects of the storage and management of rights expression information, such as, metadata schemas, interoperability of machine-readable expressions and user interfaces are out of scope of this document."

W3C: Updated Working Draft: Challenges with Accessibility Guidelines Conformance and Testing, and Approaches for Mitigating Them
"The Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AG WG) has published an updated Working Draft of Challenges with Accessibility Guidelines Conformance and Testing, and Approaches for Mitigating Them. This document is part of work on future accessibility guidelines, including WCAG 3.0. It explores the challenges of evaluating a broad range of websites and applications for conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and explores approaches for mitigating these challenges." More information is available at the blog post: Challenges with Accessibility Guidelines Conformance and Testing, and Approaches for Mitigating Them

Revised version of the 2020-2021 Library of Congress Recommended Formats Statement now available for public comment
"[The] Recommended Formats Statement identifies hierarchies of the physical and technical characteristics of creative formats, both analog and digital, which will best meet the needs of all concerned, maximizing the chances for survival and continued accessibility of creative content well into the future. The 2020-2021 version includes significant changes from the 2019-2020 version (which is still active until the review period is complete)."  More background is available at