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External Industry Events (August IO)

External Industry Events (August IO)

August 2020

Amidst the situation surrounding COVID-19, please refer to the individual conference sites for the current status of the event, if it is known.

August Meetings

August 1 - 5 See website for updates
ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2020)
Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China

August 3 - 8 See website for updates
Society of American Archivists
Bristol, UK

August 3 - 6 (Virtual Event)
SES Standards Meeting

August 3 - 13 (Virtual Event)
Force 11

August 15 - 19
Medical Library Association
Portland, OR

August 15 - 21  -- Cancelled. Please see website for more information. 
IFLA World Library and Information Congress
Dublin, Ireland

August 21 - 11 (Virtual Event)
ICSTI Annual Event 2020

September Meetings

September 2-3 (Virtual Event) 

September 14-25 (Virtual Event) 
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative

September 14-16
Digital Book World 2020

September 22-25 (Virtual Event)
Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association


October Meetings

October 6 - 13 (Virtual Event)
STM Frankfurt Online Conference

October 15 - 18 (Virtual Event)
Special Libraries Association

October 27 - 29 (Virtual Event)

November Meetings

November 2 - 6 (Virtual Event)
Charleston Conference

November 9 - 13 (Virtual Event)
DLF Forum 2020

November 10-12 (Virtual Event)
Outsell Signature Event

December Meetings

December 1 (Virtual Event)
STM Week 2020 Innovations Seminar

December 14 - 15
CNI Fall 2020 Membership Meeting
Washington, DC

January Meetings

January 27 (Virtual Event)
PIDApalooza 2021

January 7 -10 (On-Site Event)
Modern Language Association
Toronto, Canada

January 22 - 26
ALA Midwinter Meeting